AUDITION: Call for Singers - 9/7/2014 & 9/9/2014
Call for Choral Singers!
Bay Area Classical Harmonies (BACH) is pleased to announce our choral singer auditions for the 2014-15 season. We are seeking intermediate to advanced chorus members with pleasant singing voices and significant choral experience. We are auditioning all parts.
Auditions will be held on Sunday, September 7th from 1-5pm and Tuesday, September 9th from 7-9:30pm in downtown Oakland. Auditions will last 15 minutes and consist of vocal range exercises, sight-reading, and singing two contrasting a cappella pieces of your choosing.
Performances for the 2014-15 season will be on December 6th and 13th in San Francisco and the East Bay Area. Spring performance dates TBD.
Rehearsals will be held on Tuesday nights in downtown Oakland.
We will be singing The Messiah by George Frideric Handel for the fall concert series. Spring repertoire TBD.
To schedule your audition, please email audition [at] bayareabach [dot] org with your preferred audition date and time(s). *Note: Please replace " [at] " with "@" and " [dot] " with "." when typing the E-mail address.