Bay Area Singers---Fantastic opportunity: Soprano, Alto and Bass Section Leaders needed.

Bay Area Singers---Fantastic opportunity: Soprano, Alto and Bass Section Leaders needed.

Location: Valley Presbyterian Church, Portola Valley. The choir is small but good. (20+ singers).

Time commitment: Thursday night rehearsal, 7:30-9:20. Sunday morning rehearsal 9:45-10:20 followed by Sunday service, 10:45-12:00. Section Leaders commit to 3 Sunday services every month (with 1 Sun. off every month). The Choir "season" goes from September (after Labor Day) through mid-June. The month of July is "Summer Choir" - Section Leaders are present for Sunday morning rehearsal (9:45) and services (10:45) but there is no Thursday evening rehearsal. In August there is no choir so each Section Leader provides solo music, one per week.

Repertoire is wide ranging, from Renaissance motets to spirituals, contemporary anthems and world music. Twice a year the choir does a special presentation of a larger work, sometimes with chamber orchestra. Previous works have included masses by Schubert and Haydn, the requiems of Faure, Mozart and Rutter, Bach Cantatas, Daniel Pinkham's Christmas Cantata, Bernstein's "Chichester Psalms," Britten's "St. Nicholas," "Ceremony of Carols" and "Rejoice in the Lamb," Lauridsen's "Lux Aeterna," Barnett's "The World Beloved" (Bluegrass Mass), etc.

Appropriate candidates will have strong musicianship and sight-reading skills and ability to blend and balance with the section. Familiarity with the standard sacred choral repertoire is a plus. This is a nice opportunity to sing, provide gentle leadership and be part of a loving and supportive community of people devoted to music and warm Fellowship.

For inquiries please contact Music and Choir Director, Rafael Ornes at

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