Janos Gereben

Janos Gereben appreciates news tips, corrections, and words of encouragement at janosg@gmail.com.

Articles By This Author

Janos Gereben - November 4, 2014
Jeffrey Thomas conducts ABS in <em>Messiah</em>
Jeffrey Thomas conducts ABS in Messiah

Both Messiah and The Nutcracker

Janos Gereben - November 4, 2014
Escher String Quartet
Escher String Quartet

Immediately before stops in Vancouver BC, Tel Aviv, Haifa, and Beer Sheva,

Janos Gereben - November 4, 2014

MTT Tying the Knot

Michael Tilson Thomas and his partner of 38 years, Joshua Robison (also MTT's manager), were married in a private ceremony on Sunday. State Senator and longtime friend of the couple, Mark Leno, officiated.

Janos Gereben - November 4, 2014
Anne-Sophie Mutter follows Joyce DiDonato on medici.tv
Anne-Sophie Mutter follows Joyce DiDonato on medici.tv

On Nov. 4 at 5 p.m.

Janos Gereben - November 4, 2014
Paired by the alphabet
Paired by the alphabet

Even with the greatest respect for John Adams, it's a bit jarring to see his picture directly next to Bach's,

Janos Gereben - November 4, 2014
Shinichi Suzuki
Shinichi Suzuki

Sinichi Suzuki, the man behind the Suzuki Method, used by millions of children over more than the past half centu

Janos Gereben - November 4, 2014
Daniel Knapp
Daniel Knapp

It's a big job, being responsible for San Francisco Opera's physical productions, with an annual departmental operating bu

Janos Gereben - November 4, 2014
Alter Ego at the Dance Film Festival
Janos Gereben - October 31, 2014

The San Francisco Symphony delights audiences with Mahler's Symphony No. 7 (during game 7 of the World Series) just before it heads on tour.

Janos Gereben - October 28, 2014
Miami's New World Center
Miami's New World Center

Larry Johnson of South Florida Classical Review reported that at a New World Symph