Janos Gereben

Janos Gereben appreciates news tips, corrections, and words of encouragement at janosg@gmail.com.

Articles By This Author

Janos Gereben - November 1, 2016

Local musicians steeped in the Klezmer tradition keep this zesty Eastern European folk music thriving in the Bay Area.

Janos Gereben - October 31, 2016

MTT’s dynamic, alternative performance space will feature works by Lou Harrison, Mason Bates, and John Adams in the coming season.

Janos Gereben - October 25, 2016

A young violinist reaches breakout velocity, a little-known new music cornucopia, and The Lion King flute trivia.


Janos Gereben - October 25, 2016

The roster of the S.F. Opera's young artist fellowship promises great singing ahead.

Janos Gereben - October 25, 2016

An artist best known for graffiti and street murals is translating his vision of ancient Egypt to the opera stage.

Janos Gereben - October 18, 2016

A fantastic opportunity to discover the epic as well as Indian arts and culture.

Janos Gereben - October 18, 2016

A favorite artist receives yet another accolade

Janos Gereben - October 18, 2016

Innovative bands, timeless traditions, and universal themes make for a festive confrontation with death.

Janos Gereben - October 12, 2016

Christian Reif at the helm with SFSYO, Music@Menlo’s unveils a promising winter slate, music hits the wall in Miami, and farewell to "the voice of the Met."

Janos Gereben - October 11, 2016

The polymath violinist will provide leadership, vision, and his celebrated musical versatility for a three-year term.