Janos Gereben

Janos Gereben appreciates news tips, corrections, and words of encouragement at janosg@gmail.com.

Articles By This Author

Janos Gereben - June 19, 2020

How Gaetano Merola pulled off a coup and got his dream Salome.

Janos Gereben - June 18, 2020

UPDATED June 19: The latest cancellation news is no concerts at Davies Hall through Dec. 31.

Janos Gereben - June 16, 2020

Don’t expect any live opera in San Francisco until 2021.

Janos Gereben - June 9, 2020

The opera singer, who called the Bay Area home, died last month at the age of 92.

Janos Gereben - June 8, 2020

Among other concessions to the pandemic, competitors performed from home without the usual accompaniment.

Janos Gereben - June 8, 2020

Look for collaborations with Voices of Music, Berkeley Ballet Theater, and the Philip Glass Ensemble.

Janos Gereben - June 5, 2020

The online tribute will highlight great moments throughout MTT’s tenure with the SF Symphony.

Janos Gereben - June 2, 2020

The Metropolitan Opera cancels its fall season, boding ill for other arts organizations.

Janos Gereben - June 1, 2020

SFO donates critical safety gear while the skilled artists of the costume shop turn out thousands of masks with fabric from opera productions.

Janos Gereben - June 1, 2020

Alameda’s Frederica von Stade is one of opera’s most beloved singers.