Janos Gereben

Janos Gereben appreciates news tips, corrections, and words of encouragement at janosg@gmail.com.

Articles By This Author

Janos Gereben - September 11, 2012

San Francisco Opera's 90th season opened last weekend, and an announcement yesterday from the BBC helps to appreciate what that span of time means. It was in 1922 that the British Broadcasting Company was first heard on the air, that's how long S.F. Opera goes back in time.

Janos Gereben - September 11, 2012
Little Opera's Erin Bregman, with Michelle Chandra's origami butterflies Photo by Michelle Chandra
Little Opera's Erin Bregman, with Michelle Chandra's origami butterflies
Janos Gereben - September 11, 2012

Van Cliburn, terminally ill with cancer, is wheel-chair ridden and using an oxygen inhaler at all times. And yet, last Thursday, when his Van Cliburn Foundation in Fort Worth celebrated its 50th anniversary, he was determined to attend. Friends reported that Cliburn "loaded up on oxygen in advance," and he walked on stage, spoke briefly, and walked out.

Janos Gereben - September 11, 2012
Antoine Hunter and Amara Tabor Smith in <em>Sailing Away</em> Photos by Zaccho
Antoine Hunter and Amara Tabor Smith in Sailing Away
Janos Gereben - September 11, 2012
At the 2011 World Dragon Boat Race
At the 2011 World Dragon Boat Race

Yes, we have the America's Cup in the pon

Janos Gereben - August 28, 2012

Intergenerational Flux at Crowden

Aaron Requiro, David Requiro, and Miles Graber performing at Crowden in 2007 Photo by David Weiland
Janos Gereben - August 23, 2012

Globetrotters from the Aleron Trip are returning to the city of their alma mater to give a concert at Salle Pianos.

Janos Gereben - August 21, 2012

East-West Fête, Gratis

Jon Jang's work about Central Subway will premiere at the festival Photo by J.</body></html>
Janos Gereben - August 19, 2012

The Merola Grand Finale, which presented — and said farewell to — one of the finest Merola classes in years, presented six tenors all of whom are ready for prime time.