Janos Gereben

Janos Gereben appreciates news tips, corrections, and words of encouragement at janosg@gmail.com.

Articles By This Author

Janos Gereben - September 10, 2013
<em>Two Boys</em> scene<br>Photo by Tristram Kenton/<em>The Guardian</em>
Two Boys scene
Janos Gereben - September 10, 2013
SFO Chorus, all on deck<br>Photos by Cory Weaver
SFO Chorus, all on deck
Janos Gereben - September 10, 2013
Barnaby Palmer leading Sichuan Symphony
Barnaby Palmer leading Sichuan Symphony

Barnaby Palmer, who made a name for himself at a you

Janos Gereben - September 10, 2013

Deborah Voigt, Susan Graham, Kiera Duffy, Laquita Mitchell, Nicholas Phan, Jake Heggie and others headline Sing with Haiti’s Oct. 2 benefit in San Francisco’s Grace Cathedral.

Janos Gereben - September 7, 2013

Heart-wrenching, muscular star performances plus a rafter-shaking Chorus send this S.F. Opera production into the stratosphere.

Janos Gereben - September 3, 2013
Once again, the music of Hitchcock films in focus
Once again, the music of Hitchcock films in focus

BBC Radio and Television start

Janos Gereben - September 3, 2013
Dover Quartet wins Banff competition
Dover Quartet wins Banff competition


Janos Gereben - September 3, 2013
Allison DeBona on <em>Breaking Pointe</em><br>Photo by Erik Ostling/CW
Allison DeBona on Breaking Pointe
Janos Gereben - September 3, 2013

Opera Parallèle has named Tod Brody as the company’s first executive director, says Board of Directors Chair Robert Ripps.

Janos Gereben - September 3, 2013
The Trio: Sophie Xuefei Zhang, piano; Anne Suda, cello;  Solenn Séguillon, violin<br> Photo by Bonnie Rae Mills
The Trio: Sophie Xuefei Zhang, piano; Anne Suda, c