Janos Gereben

Janos Gereben appreciates news tips, corrections, and words of encouragement at janosg@gmail.com.

Articles By This Author

Janos Gereben - November 19, 2013
San Franciscans making music in Budapest
San Franciscans making music in Budapest

Unusualities abound in the story of a

Janos Gereben - November 19, 2013
Yes, from the Munich <em>FroSch</em>, but no idea what Botha (the Emperor) is doing
Yes, from the Munich FroSch, but no idea what Botha (the Emperor) is
Janos Gereben - November 19, 2013

San Francisco Bach Choir, founded in 1937, is believed to be the oldest continually performing choir in the western United States. The current Artistic Director Corey Jamason hasn't been around that long, but he served a good stretch of time, and he is stepping down as of next March.

Janos Gereben - November 19, 2013

Berkeley Symphony Music Director Joana Carneiro, missing in action here last month, has been named principal conductor of the Portugal National Symphony, whose home is the Teatro de São Carlos in Lisbon, Carneiro's birthplace.

Janos Gereben - November 19, 2013
Noack Organ
Berkeley's New Noack Organ

While Stanford's 'Big Game' is away this year, a daylong free public event on Saturday will introduce the Univer

Janos Gereben - November 19, 2013
In the wake of Haiyan/Yolanda
In the wake of Haiyan/Yolanda

With a half a million first- and second-generation Filipino immigrants in the Bay Area (whic

Janos Gereben - November 15, 2013

Porgy and Bess at the Golden Gate Theatre is outstanding on every count — musically, dramatically, and especially by the strength of performances from a cast without a weak link.

Janos Gereben - November 12, 2013
John Tavener
John Tavener

A leading figure in a contemporary musical genre that has been called "holy minimalism" has died, the