Janos Gereben

Janos Gereben appreciates news tips, corrections, and words of encouragement at janosg@gmail.com.

Articles By This Author

Janos Gereben - August 26, 2014
Susan Graham featured in the new Conservatory season
Susan Graham featured in the new Conservatory season

The full headline should read: "Le

Janos Gereben - August 19, 2014
Kip Cranna
Kip Cranna

The San Francisco Opera's Director of Production, Greg Weber, will become Tulsa Opera's managing director in October.

Janos Gereben - August 19, 2014
Heskin and Nadal
Margaret F.
Janos Gereben - August 19, 2014
Licia Albanese receiving the Medal of Honor for the Arts from President Clinton
Licia Albanese receiving the Medal of Honor for the Arts from President Clinton
Janos Gereben - August 19, 2014
Katie Wong, PUSH resident choreographer Photos by Anna Marie Panlilio
Katie Wong, PUSH resident choreographer
Janos Gereben - August 19, 2014
Mill Valley Philharmonic in Action
Mill Valley Philharmonic in Action

Laurie Cohen, founder and director of the

Janos Gereben - August 19, 2014

Heroines and divas galore dominate the San Francisco Opera's 2014-2015 season, the company's 92nd, beginning Sept. 5.

Janos Gereben - August 19, 2014
The music to continue: Met Chorus in Act 2 of <em>Trovatore</em> Photo by Ken Howard/The Metropolitan Opera
The music to continue: Met Chorus in Act 2 of Trov
Janos Gereben - August 17, 2014

The Merola Grand Finale 2014 offered magic that comes from vocal strength and expert projection, musicality, beauty of tone, clear diction, and convincing acting in a variety of operatic roles.