
Jason Victor Serinus - October 9, 2012

Canadian soprano Karina Gauvin has made her mark in two contrasting art forms: Baroque repertoire, in which she excels in rapid-fire coloratura, and song, in which her gift for lyric expression comes to the fore.

Janice Berman - October 9, 2012

British choreographer Russell Maliphant's evening-length After Light, a meditation on the artistry and influence of Vaslav Nijinsky, touches on Nijinsky’s role as one of classical ballet’s greatest dancers, as well as the breakaway invention of his hotly controversial Afternoon of a Faun.

Janice Berman - October 9, 2012

Akram Khan, who credits his international brigade of dancers as collaborators, draws inspiration from Sufism and the Persian poet and mystic Rumi.

Janice Berman - October 9, 2012

The Kirov Ballet, based in St. Petersburg (formerly Leningrad), has reverted to calling itself the Mariinsky Ballet, but its Swan Lake, choreographed in 1950 by Konstantin Sergeyev and based, of course, on the 1895 Petipa/Ivanov version, prevails, uninterrupted by the vagaries of history.

Jeff Kaliss - October 3, 2012

The Bad Plus come to San Francisco Performances for a re-imagning of Stravinsky's The Rite of Spring.

David Bratman - October 1, 2012

On the cusp of its 30th anniversary, the Alexander String Quartet continues its residence at Mondavi with a performance of Schubert’s String Quartet in C Minor, D. 703, “Quartettsatz”; and his String Quartet in A Minor, D. 804, “Rosamunde.”

David Bratman - October 1, 2012

The Ives Quartet is a locally based ensemble with a tough-grained and determined style.

Scott Cmiel - October 1, 2012

Sergio and Odair Assad have been the preeminent classical guitar duo of the last 40 years, having set the standard for technical excellence, sensitive musicianship, and innovative repertoire choices.

Jason Victor Serinus - October 1, 2012

Based on the Italian story that yielded Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, this opera features some exquisite arias, especially Giulietta’s “Oh quante volte” from Act 1. 

Jason Victor Serinus - October 1, 2012

In the time it has taken Mark Padmore to make his recital debut in San Francisco, he has grown into a lieder singer to be reckoned with.