Puppet artist Francesca Borgatta’s spooky creations animate the Czech composer’s cantata.
Contemporary music sits shoulder to shoulder with 20th-century avant-garde classics in the new season.
LA Opera won’t try to replace Domingo, who resigned earlier this month over sexual harassment allegations.
The arts presenter is consolidating leadership while beefing up its already strong performance schedule.
Carson and the Crawleys meet Gilbert & Sullivan in this festive fundraiser at Herbst.
The quartet is building a free online library of contemporary string quartet music, with help from some of today’s leading composers.
Harassment allegations force the legendary singer’s departure.
The soprano was one of the greatest and most celebrated voices of her generation.
The orchestra’s chief operating officer moves up to the hot seat.
The rapier-witted, cantankerous, prizewinning classical-music critic for the LA Times died Sept. 29.