Look for streaming performances from the canceled operas and online chats with SFO luminaries and guests.
The San Diego music festival finds an interesting way to do live music while maintaining social distancing.
Denied its venue by the shutdown, the enterprising festival will present concerts live online.
Derrick Spiva Jr.’s American Mirror is the centerpiece of the podcast Sounds Interesting, and Salastina has other projects afoot as well.
Ten local nonprofits will collaborate with world-class artists on fresh projects in the field of dance and movement-based performance.
How Gaetano Merola pulled off a coup and got his dream Salome.
UPDATED June 19: The latest cancellation news is no concerts at Davies Hall through Dec. 31.
Resurrecting a lost Martha Graham dance brings out connections between 1937 and 2020.
A second round of NEA grants provide much-needed funding to Bay Area and L.A. performers and presenters.
Don’t expect any live opera in San Francisco until 2021.