Besides Classical Voice’s obituary, note San Francisco Opera’s own tribute to the company's fourth general director, and watch the hour-long video of an interview with Mansouri when he received an NEA award.
Reflecting Mansouri’s worldwide career in opera, tributes have come from far and away during the Labor Day weekend and there were substantial obituaries in the New York Times, Toronto Star, and elsewhere. Note especially Leslie Barcza’s "Canadian perspective" on Mansouri's career.
Others may argue about this, but I (and apparently the N.Y. Times) think initiating and championing Supertitles was perhaps his most important legacy, along with managing the seismic reconstruction of the Opera House. A testimonial by Charlie Cockey recalls his first experience with the titles: “I heard something I had never heard before: 3500 people vociferously laughing their heads off at the wonderful dialogue that accompanies the stage shenanigans and deliciously beautiful music. That was a ‘eureka’ moment as memorable as any in my life. Opera could not only be beautiful, it could be fun — and more, it could be outright laugh-loudly-out-loud funny. That experience completely changed my opera-going, and all for the better.”