Photo by Auguste Bert, Paris 1911
Pryor Dodge, son of the late dancer-scholar Roger Pryor Dodge, has created a unique interactive illustrated application, Nijinsky: "God of Dance" — available for free download through Dec. 6 at the App Store and from Amazon (keyword: "Nijinsky"); beginning Saturday, it will be $7.99. Truly a labor of love.
Before the recent release of the app, Dodge described the project, which presents 242 photographs of the greatest ballet dancer of the 20th century, in 21 ballets from 1906 to 1916, along with images of him off-stage from 1902 to 1928.
The pantheon of other dancers portrayed include Anna Pavlova, Tamara Karsavina, Bronislava Nijinska, Lydia Nelidova, Lydia Lopukhova, Lubov Tchernicheva, Ludmilla Schollar, Janina Boniecka, Enrico Cecchetti, Adolph Bolm, Serge Lifar, Alexander Orlov, Anatole Bourman, Alexander Gavrilov, George Rosaï, Josefina Kovalevska, and Ivan Tarasoff.
They are shown in pictures by such renowned photographers as Auguste Bert, Baron Adolph de Meyer, Eugène Druet, Elliot and Fry, Charles Gerschel, Clarence H. White, Karl A. Fisher, E.O. Hoppé, Ernst Sandau, Rudolf Balogh, and Count Jean de Strelecki.