Los Angeles

SFCV’s writers report on topics relevant to the Los Angeles area.

Peter Feher - April 14, 2020

Stream “Living Room Recitals,” a 2019 performance of La bohème, and more.

Richard S. Ginell - April 13, 2020

Spooky twilight music dominates the fearless keyboard wizard’s latest release.

Jim Farber - April 13, 2020

COVID-19 is forcing music presenters to make hard choices. Many are uniting to find ways to survive.

Peter Feher - March 31, 2020

Your comprehensive guide to online and streaming music from the Bay Area and Los Angeles. With links!

Jim Farber - March 30, 2020

Why music conservatories were readier than most for the disruption of coronavirus.

Richard S. Ginell - March 27, 2020

A new CD offers a glimpse of the composer’s much-postponed multimedia collaboration with poet Saul Williams on issues of gentrification.

Peter Feher - March 23, 2020

The 79-year-old opera star updated fans on Facebook.

Peter Feher - March 17, 2020

Conservatories are reacting quickly and, like colleges across the country, moving classes online.

Victoria Looseleaf - March 12, 2020

The adventurous outgoing artistic director of Long Beach Opera discusses his new production of Peter Maxwell Davies’s opera, and looks back over his 23 seasons with the company.

Peter Feher - March 12, 2020

Organizations and venues throughout L.A. are following guidelines from Gov. Gavin Newsom and canceling or postponing events.