
Jeff Rosenfeld - August 12, 2008

On the day my lifelong infatuation with classical radio died, I hardly realized it would be revived by the Internet just a year later and become better than ever — so exciting that my CDs are quickly becoming superfluous, forgotten on their dusty shelves. Studio recordings simply can't compare to the magnetism of the great live performances on Internet radio.

Heuwell Tircuit - August 5, 2008
My sister forwarded me a menu last week from an early 1950s Woolworth’s diner counter, which she intended to give me price shock.
Jason Victor Serinus - July 29, 2008
It goes without saying that the Cabrillo Festival is going to win next year's ASCAP annual award for the most Adventurous Programming of Orchestral Music by a festival. It has won every year since the award was initiated in 1982. Some might argue that winning the ASCAP award does not signify cutting edge programming.
Jeff Dunn - July 22, 2008
Last month I witnessed an unusual spectacle at the Bergen Music Festival in Norway. After three or four curtain calls, clapping in unison began and, as if by prearranged signal, everyone stood at once in enthusiastic acknowledgement. The orchestra that did the playing was the visiting Stavanger Symphony Orchestra conducted by Ole Kristian Ruud.
Robert Moon - July 15, 2008
"In chamber music, you play the way you are. Are you generous and giving? Are you responding to your friend's suggestions?
Georgia Rowe - July 8, 2008
The summer music season has arrived and, as always, there’s no shortage of worthy events in and around the Bay Area.
David Bratman - July 1, 2008
San José, as its boosters like to point out, is now the largest city in Northern California. But if it’s the leader in population, it has a ways to go to catch up to San Francisco in cultural influence. Still, San José is far from the cultural desert that its flat sprawling landscape might suggest to residents of hillier, more congested parts of the Bay Area.
Lisa Houston - June 24, 2008
Philadelphia-born bass-baritone Eric Owens returns to San Francisco Opera this month to sing the role of the King of Scotland in Ariodante.
Lisa Houston - June 17, 2008

Philadelphia-born bass-baritone Eric Owens returns to San Francisco Opera this month to sing the role of the King of Scotland in Ariodante.

Jason Victor Serinus - June 10, 2008
The setting is as monumental as it is humbling.