
Janos Gereben - January 3, 2012

Festival Opera Marches Into 2012

Festival Opera's <em>La Traviata</em>  Photo by Robert ShomlerMercifully varying from the demise of
Jason Victor Serinus - January 2, 2012

The Bay Area is replete with great vocalists and opera opportunities this winter and next spring. Here’s how to make the most of them.

Jeff Dunn - January 2, 2012

Lovers of orchestral music are in for something special, even historic, in the spring season. If you can’t spend everything on tickets, let SFCV guide you to the best of the best.

Janos Gereben - January 2, 2012

Product of a difficult birth — of great effort, difficult fundraising, delays, and mounting costs — Sonoma State University's Donald & Maureen Green Music Center is finally reality; a splendid one.

Jason Victor Serinus - January 2, 2012

The artistry of the 20th century’s greatest diva is again in the spotlight, in the wake of a new tribute album and more re-releases of her recorded legacy. In this persuasive summary of Callas’ impact, both the legend and the reality are analyzed.

Michelle Dulak Thomson - January 2, 2012

It would take something much larger than a recession to stop great chamber music ensembles from performing in the Bay Area. Below are a few of the best recitals to come in the next few months.

Lisa Petrie - January 2, 2012

Good times alert: Here are a few, not-too-expensive concerts that everybody in the family might enjoy.

Janos Gereben - December 27, 2011

Top News #1:  S.F.

Janos Gereben - December 20, 2011

Festival Opera: A Challenge Bigger Than Funding

Michael MorganMoney problems have caught up with the Walnut Creek company, and it will have to go without a pro